
Day 3: Elsterwalde, Germany to Dresden, Germany

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Start: Elsterwalde, Germany
End: Dresden, Germany
Distance: 56.8km
Elevation Gain: 1041ft
Elevation Loss: 947ft
Time: 5h09m
Reading Material: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao – Junot Diaz
Audio Material: Queen’s Queen II; NPR’s On The Media

Today was mostly an exercise in making distance. Didn’t have too far to go, but Dresden was waiting for me. Ever notice how as you approach your goal (hiking, biking, climbing, writing, etc) the last little bit always seems to take the longest?

It was fun watching the countryside change from farms (“frische Eier” signs reminding me of Vermont; and copious horseshit on the side paths) to urban. I started seeing road bike weenies on day rides about 15km from Dresden. And, then I entered the city and joined the urban bikers in their lanes for the last little bit.

I’m staying in an apartment right in tourist central across from the Frauenkirche. I was tired upon arrival but figuring out where to stash the bike (and all my stuff!) while locating check-in was not fun–not to mention dodging portly Germans and school groups on holiday. Once settled, I wandered off to find a beer reward and blend into the tourists.


Nerd Heaven

I got lucky and the Mathematisch-Physikalische Salon at the Zwinger just reopened yesterday after a year+ of renovations. To celebrate they had evening hours and free admission!

Nothing like looking at old watches, telescopes and astrolobes to rest the legs. The number of devices required merely to measure distances in the 1770s makes the two GPS-enabled devices I’m carrying (Garmin + mobile phone) seem like an absurd extravagance.

And, yes, that is a watch inside a silver skull. The old philosophers were badass.

Day 2: Luckenwalde, Germany to Elsterwerda, Germany

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Start: Luckenwalde, Germany
End: Elsterwerda, Germany
Distance: 87.5km
Elevation Gain: 1033ft
Elevation Loss: 903ft
Time: 6h51m
Reading Material: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao – Junot Diaz
Audio Material: WTF Podcast w/ Marc Maron (eps 377); Game Theory Podcast (eps 16: Sex & Violence)

A good long day. While I haven’t been specifically choosing bike-friendly routes, I enjoyed a nice 10km stretch on a wide, recently paved bike path next to the B101. The last 10km into Elsterwerda, however, was both uphill and on a busy 2-lane road. Jim Fingal’s unintentional entendres from the Video Game podcast (“headshots”, “pulling the joystick”) helped ease the pain of the last few kms.

Day’s highlight was most certainly lunch at the Boxenstoppe (literally a box restaurant on the side of the road) in Schönewalde. First, the Hamburger Schnitzel (3EUR) hit the spot. Then, the friendly patrons. During the meal, a bearded man on a moped pulled up. Turns out he’s a Dane who has been traveling via moped from Greece to Berlin before beginning University next year. We had a good time comparing routes and motives. I was a bit jealous of his moped which gets 30km/hr to my (generous) 15km/hr. Also, he’s got way more range.

Evening was at a family-run hotel in Elsterwerda with a cozy cave-themed basement restaurant. I was so tired I fell asleep by 830pm.