Caught up on some Tour de France watching while in Moscow. You know, I think I too could handle 200km stages in the Pyrenees if I was followed by a souped-up Audi who offered me cold apple juice every 20km (and maybe a beer every 50km and the occasional espresso while we’re at it).

Day 45: Moscow, Russia to Kirzhach, Russia
Start: Moscow, Russia
End: Kirzhach, Russia
Distance: 108km
Elevation Gain: 1325ft
Elevation Loss: 1314ft
Time: 6h44m
Reading Material:Leningrad: The Epic Siege of World War II, 1941-1944 – Anna Reid
Audio Material: Marketplace; Stuff You Should Know; WTF podcast (David Sedaris interview)
After some rest, time to get back on the road.
It’s funny transitioning from city tourist to bicycle tourer. Kinda like a secret identity. Clark Kent wandering the city as a normal person (well, OK, it’s likely my hairy face, unkempt hair and single pair of pants I have been rocking for 3 months now probably disqualify me from actually blending in…though I am getting close to being able to impersonate Nick Cage circa Con Air) to Superman in my outfit and crazy loaded bicycle when many more people notice and stop me.
Case in point: Today about 15km from Moscow center, I was overtaken by a bicycle commuter with a “Salut!” We stopped at a light and started chatting. Alexander is from Rostov (one of the Golden Ring cities) and about to start a bicycle tour next week. If I caught it correctly, he’s taking a boat to Riga and then cycling to Holland. On a tourist day, we would have crossed paths without recognition but instead got to meet a new friend. Good luck Alex!
Made fast time with strong rested legs. The last few days of rain finally cooled off temps for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. First 20km involved navigating lots of 5 lane city boulevards dodging cars to avoid turning lanes. The remainder was nice pavement if a bit crowded. On my way to Vladimir, I’m avoiding the straight motorway and opting for the smaller A103/P75 combo. Spending the night about halfway in Kirzhach before the final ~120km tomorrow.