Spent the day wandering around the bank of the Volga. Met a few bunnies and some pigs. I can’t read the Russian menus but I have a feeling they made the list. Saw some huge ships, reinforcing the importance of the Volga for both shipping and tourism.
Tag Archives: Volga

Day 49: Ivanovo, Russia to Lunevo, Russia
Start: Ivanovo, Russia
End: Lunevo, Russia
Distance: 80.5km
Elevation Gain: 1115ft
Elevation Loss: 1161ft
Time: 5h07m
Reading Material:A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II – Gerhard L. Weinberg
Audio Material: World in Words (global Yiddish; bribery episode); This American Life (500th episode, maybe a bit too self-congratulatory); Stuff You Should Know; WTF (Jonah Hill episode)
Finally met the Volga!
Passed several abandoned factories and crumbling Soviet concrete structures on the way out of Ivanovo. Still nice, cool temps as I continued to follow the A113 north. Spotted a roadside stand selling leftover stuffed animals from carnival games? Left the A113 and followed a small, choppy road past a giant power plant towards the Volga for 15km. Beautiful glimpses of the river. Along the way, discovered an abandoned brick church turning back to its original red color.
I’m staying in a cabin resort nestled in the deep and old forest along the banks of the Volga. After the ride, I walked through a Soviet-style family camp (absurd-looking exercise equipment; a group accordion sing-a-long) and took a dip in the river.